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Ventilated laboratory animal cabinet

A.Box ventilated animal cabinets create a controlled environment for the breeding of small laboratory rodents, under specific sanitary conditions.

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Gas bottle cabinets

Exacta offers a wide range of safety cabinets for indoor or outdoor storage of gas bottles.

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Armoires pour corrosifs

Une très large gamme d'armoires de sécurité pour le stockage des corrosifs.

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Armoires pour fûts

Une gamme dédiée au stockage de fûts dans une armoire de sécurité.

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Armoires pour toxiques

Une très large gamme d'armoires de sécurité pour le stockage des toxiques, aérosols, vernis, peintures et gels hydroalcooliques.

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Bench-top autoclaves (class B and S)

Bench-top autoclaves from 23 to 32L. Medical and dental use. Classes B and S.

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Benchtop autoclaves

Benchtop laboratory autoclaves from 20 to 70L. Made entirely with stainless steel.

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HDA type high pressure autoclaves

High pressure autoclaves (up to 20 bars), dry or humid heat. They are used for bonding, impregnating, testing, etc. in the electronics, automotive, etc. industries.

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Horizontal autoclaves HST

HST horizontal autoclaves from 150 to 1034L with rectangular chambers

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Medical autoclaves EN 285

Medical horizontal autoclaves from 150 to 718L. EN 285 approved (MDA – Medical Device Approved) 1 door, or 2 through doors models.

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Vertical autoclaves Type LVSA

The Laboratory- Vertical- Standing- Autoclaves, short LVSA, are characterized by their low loading height and easy operation. Our autoclaves are available in four different sizes: Vertical autoclaves with a chamber volume of 80, 96, 133 and 153 litres

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NC type vertical autoclaves

The NC 40M and NC 90M sterilizers feature a flexible temperature probe that can be placed in a liquid container to ensure that the required sterilization time only begins when the fluids are at the specified temperature.

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