Founded in 1998, LABWIT Scientific offers a broad portfolio of products of the highest quality.
We have been representing LABWIT products since 2017. We were won over by their speed of execution and adaptation, and the simplicity and robustness of their products. Particularly agitated incubators which are a serious alternative to the usual more expensive brands .
The company is based in Australia and manufactures north of Shanghai. It is represented in more than 40 countries.
These incubators have large volumes of 2 levels of 170, 330 or 580 L. Plain or drilled trays. Refrigerated or not.
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69L benchtop shaking incubators, refrigerated or not. Orbital or horizontal agitation.
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Shaking incubators of 120, 190 or 257 L. With or without, CO2, Lights, Humidity. Solid or drilled trays. Stackable.
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260, 275 and 300L incubators. Horizontal or orbital agitation. The "chest" format allows you to have larger tray surfaces (up to 8 3L or 6 5L Erlens bottles)
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