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Blanc-Labo SA Centre du bief Chemin des Mouettes 1 1027 Lonay
Cécile Grossenbacher
Eric Laborde
Marc Blanc
Maxime Laborde
Nicole Braidy
Based in Qingdao to the south-east of Beijing, Innova offers a very wide range of quality technical equipment for biotechnologies: fermenters, incubator-shakers, freeze-dryers, tangential filtrations, homogenizers, etc.
Simple and robust freeze dryers, for the most common applications: benchtop freeze dryers with a maximum capacity (in KG of ice) of 6.9 or 23 Kgs. Pilot freeze dryers of 11, 17, 35 and 90Kgs. Temperatures of -60°C or -80°C depending on model.
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