Molecular filters all brands

More than 1800 references of molecular filters for laboratory hoods and cabinets!
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The range

Erlab filtres moléculaires de remplacement

Technical sheet

  • More than 1800 molecular filter references available.

  • Erlab has been developing filtration technologies based on activated carbon for protection against inhalation chemical risks for more than 40 years in its R&D laboratory.

  • Maintenance of your equipment possible with our specialized technicians.

  • AirClean, AirNet, Air Science, Aquaria, Asecos, Astec

  • Bigneaut, Bioair, Blueair

  • Captair (incluant filtres particulaires), Cruma, ESI-Flufrance

  • Faster

  • GElaire, Gruppo Strola

  • International PBI

  • Labcaire, Labconco

  • Misonix

  • Safelab

  • Trionyx/Ecosafe ...