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Industrial furnaces and ovens

A very large catalog of more than 90 industrial ovens (on catalog) with volumes from 64 to 9000 L, and maximum temperatures of up to 1300°C.
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The range

Ovens on catalog


Modèles de 64 à 9000L. Température maxi: de 250° à 1300°C suivant modèle

Technical sheet

Industrial ovens with trolley


Modèles de 64 à 9000L. Température maxi: de 250° à 1300°C suivant modèle

Technical sheet

Fours sur-mesure


Tout est possible . Exemples : Etuve de 16m3 pour laminer les voiles de compétition, four de carbonisation, vernissage des rotors de moteurs, fours de trempe, ATEX, fours tunnels.

Technical sheet

A very wide range with many options;

  • Electric or gas heating (custom)

  • Injection of inert gases (Ar or N2)

  • Choice of automaton

  • Remote connection to a PC

  • Various temperature protections and alarms

  • Chimneys for calcination

  • Ceramic or fiber insulation

  • Cable and window holes

Custom oven - 2300L - 1100°

Custom oven -7400L- 450°

Catalog furnace 4800L 1300°

Catalog oven - 4800L - 250°

Oven with trolley - 5400L - 450°

Large custom gaz heated oven - 450°

Oven with natural convection

Forced horizontal convection

Forced vertical convection

Walk-in oven