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Benchtop fermenters and bioreactors

Benchtop fermenters and bioreactors Completely tailor-made based on a proven component base
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The range

Benchtop fermenter for glass tank cells

Technical sheet

Benchtop fermenter for bacteria, glass tank

Technical sheet

Benchtop fermenter for algae, glass tank

Technical sheet

Benchtop fermenter, stainless steel tank

Technical sheet

Multiple Benchtop Fermenter

Technical sheet

TWIN Benchtop Fermenters

Technical sheet

  • Tailor-made manufacturing

  • Integrated stainless steel workshop. Great flexibility

  • PLC SIEMENS S7. Software easily modifiable on request.

  • European or US critical components: good maintainability

  • Short delivery times

  • Installed and maintained by Blanc-Labo

  • A very wide range: from 5 to 5000L, multi-stage, parallel, bacteria, animal cells, plant cells, algae, mechanical or magnetic stirring...

Fermenteur cellules 2L

Cell fermenter 2L

Fermenteur algues de 5L

3L photo-bioreactor. Magnetic stirring

Fermenteur de 1L pour bactéries

1L fermenter for bacteria

Fermenteur TWIN bacteries 2x1.5L

Fermenteur TWIN bacteries 2x1.5L

Fermenteur mulitple : 4x1L

Fermenteur multiple : 4x1L

Fermenteur de 1L pour bactéries

1L fermenter for bacteria

Fermenter assembled and validated in the factory, delivered on skid

Your pilot fermenter has a dedicated control unit on which are grouped the pumps, mass-flows, and the control screen.

It is made entirely of stainless steel by Bailun Technology in their integrated workshop. This allows us to adapt very quickly to your needs.

The fermenter is equipped with sensors and actuators from mostly Western brands, in order to facilitate its development and maintenance over time in France and Switzerland.

It is mounted on a "skid" at the factory, which is FAT tested before shipment. When it arrives at your site, simply connect it to the utilities to start commissioning.

Siemens S7 PLC

Siemens S7 PLC

The fermenter is controlled by a Siemens Siematic S7 PLC

It is a stable and universal PLC, suitable for a variety of automation applications, especially for manufacturing process control. It is easy to network; it is the control unit of your fermenter.

You can therefore either display on the 10'' touch screen present on the unit all the information present in the software, or on a remote computer (option not encrypted in this offer): transmission of process data, visualization of the process, recorded samples, process parameters, etc...

And also benefit from all the standard peripherals offered by Siemens to integrate your fermenter into an internal industrial network.

The Siemens PLC allows in particular to exchange data in Profinet or in OPC-UA with a SCADA type supervisor

SCADA type main screen

SCADA type main screen

Control software

The control software is built on a SIEMENS S7+ FORCE CONTROL base.

It therefore allows great scalability over time if your needs change.

It adapts to many actuators and sensors of various brands, which guarantees the scalability of the fermenter according to your needs over time.

The software is in English (FR optional).

The main screen is an ergonomic synoptic which allows you to easily view the status of the fermenter and all the valves at a given moment (SCADA type)

As standard, all the most common features are installed in the software:

Process control: either manual or software-driven depending on your recipes

The software can control all the actuators (rotameters, pumps, agitation, aeration, heating or cooling) using the rules that you establish and the values read on the various sensors.

You can choose PID or continuous type logic

Cascading laws are possible

User and password management

Sensor Calibration

Visualization by synoptic of the instantaneous state of the actuators and sensors


Storage and export of data for each batch

Semi-Automation of the process thanks to the creation of cascading laws.

Peristaltic pumps (up to 7)

Peristaltic pumps (up to 7)

Your fermenter is equipped with WATSON MARLOW peristaltic pumps.

The model varies to adjust the flow to the size of the fermenter.

These pumps operate either manually or automatically controlled by the software.

Most often 4 pumps are mounted on our fermenters for acid, base, anti-foam and feed.

But you can add other pumps, for example to do an online analysis, a continuous process, operation in turbidostat mode, etc.

Mass Flow Controller

Mass Flow Controller

Incoming gases: Mass Flows Controllers and rotameter

The fermenter is equipped as standard with a rotameter for each incoming gas.

As well as one or more “Mass Flow Controllers” manufactured in Europe: Most often Buckert or Vögtlin brands

Incoming gases are sterile: filter and valve can be sterilized in line.

The software allows to manage cascades in correlation with dissolved oxygen (pO2)

Ventilation in VVM is adjusted according to your specifications.

The Mass Flow model is chosen together (identical price) after your order during the product detail definition phase.

Outgoing gases: condenser and sterilizable filter

A condenser is positioned on the outlets of the fermenter. It is equipped with an in-line sterilizable HEPA filter. The relief valve is software controlled to provide protection from the outside and inside.

The integrity of the filter is checked in-situ.

The condenser is specially designed to prevent the accumulation of liquid and bacteria.

The condensate drain valve is manually controlled.

Outgoing gas analyzer

Outgoing Gas Analyzer

The outgoing gas analyzer (optional) is a GXH-3011N manufactured by HUAYUN Instruments. Several versions available depending on your needs.

The analyzer is in a box positioned next to the fermenter.

This instrument measures for a given gas the infrared radiation (NDIR) and its selective absorption of the infrared band of a particular wavelength, the absorption depends on the concentration of the measured gas.

The instrument can continuously measure a variety of other gases in the gas mixture online: CO, CO2, CH4, NO, SO2, NH3. It is used for example in petroleum, chemical, metallurgy and other industrial controls. Also for determining the gas content in agriculture, health care and universities and other research.

RQ measurement

It is possible to add RQ analysis software as well as a dedicated PC. The RQ measurement is made continuously on the PC (not on the Siemens PLC)

Double mantel stainless steel tank

The fermenter tank made by Bailun internally in 316L stainless steel for the tank and 304 for the double jacket. The cover is also 316L. All pipes are made of 316L stainless steel.

A vertical rectangular window is included in the side of the tank.

The double jacket accepts a maximum pressure of 3 bars.

The fermenter is equipped with a safety valve calibrated according to your application.

Stainless steel cover and support

The 316L stainless steel cover is fitted as standard with 20 ports of varying diameters:

3 ports for adding liquids

1 for motor axis

1 inoculation

1 sterile sampling port

1 collection port

5 ports for various connection

8 probe ports

The attached image is for illustrative purposes only.

The cover is finalized on plan, according to your needs, at the latest 7 days after your order, and before launching in manufacture.


Mechanical stirring

In most cases, the engine is placed at the top. It is also possible to have stirring with motor at the bottom, or magnetic stirring.

The standard rotation speed (50-700 rpm +/- 0.5%) can be increased on request.

The motor axis is very rigid and allows use without long-term deformation. The engine gasket is most often made by John Crane in the USA.

All types of agitators (Rushton, marine, etc.) are available. They can be positioned on the motor axis according to your needs. 4 removable deflectors are offered as standard.


Aeration in the tank

As standard, a ring bubbler is offered. You can choose other shapes when defining the details of your fermenter.

PT100 probe

Sensors in the liquid phase: temperature probe

Temperature control is performed with a pT100 probe:

This controls the heating of the double jacket thanks to an electrical resistance included in the control unit or the steam valve (depending on the model).

Cooling is done by circulating city water, or a recycled water circuit via a cryostat supplied as an option.

Temperature control range: Mains water temp° +5°C. at 65°C, +/- 0.2°C

Display range: 0 to 150°C, +/- 0.1°C


Sensors in the liquid phase: dissolved oxygen ( pO2)

The pO2 electrode is made in Switzerland. The pO2 value is controlled in association with speed, replenishment (feed), airflow (if configured) and other parameters.

Control range: 0~150%, ±3% fermentation process sequence control (according to fermentation time, automatic variable control DO, at least 10 steps)

The pO2 sensor is used to control recipes in cascades.

pH probe

Sensors in the liquid phase: pH

Temperature sensor made in Switzerland, very stable, with intelligent PID control for high control accuracy.

The electrode can be sterilized.

- pH electrodes and wires made in Switzerland

- Display range: 0.00~14.00±0.01,

- Auto control range: 2.00~12.00±0.02

- Online detection,

- Automatic alarm

Anti-foam probe

Sensors in the liquid phase: anti-foam probe

The anti-foam electrode detects the level of foam in the tank, and triggers the anti-foam product addition pump.

Tailor-made manufacturing

Our stainless steel fermenters for the pilot phase are tailor-made according to your specifications by following the process of managing your project detailed below.

All stainless steel parts (tanks, lids, pipes) are made by Bailun in their integrated sheet metal workshop.

The fermenter is controlled by a Siemens S7 PLC with software developed by Bailun. Thanks to the technical choice of Siemens, Bailun is able to adapt to all your programming constraints, such as: communication with an existing tyoe SCADA supervision system via standardized protocols (eg Profinet, OPC-UA). You can therefore control all of your fermenters with a remote PC.

Most of the critical components (pumps, probes, etc.) come from European or US manufacturers, which greatly facilitates the maintenance of equipment over time.

Project management in 10 steps

  1. The 1st step of the process consists in precisely describing your need. All our customers are different: they all have different needs. Also we start to establish a first V1 Budget estimate from your detailed specifications (URS) when they are available. Otherwise, we only need your answers to our configurator (on this link) to establish the V1 quote.

  2. We will then review together your needs and our technical and financial proposals during a session #1 on Teams.

  3. Step 3 is the analysis of the final estimate in one or more passes.

  4. We receive the customer's order, and his deposit with the order.

  5. Creation of a client-installer-manufacturer project group . The purpose of this phase is to validate the detailed plans and the PID, before launching the manufacturing

  6. Manufacturing

  7. Factory Acceptance (FAT)

  8. Shipping by sea or air

  9. Installation, commissioning and training on your site

  10. On-site reception (SAT)

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